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MGM College of Nursing - Philosophy MSc Nursing
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Philosophy MSc Nursing

Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Navi Mumbai (MGMIHS) of Health Sciences was established in 2006 for Medical Education and health care of the community. MGM College of Nursing Kamothe, a constituent unit of MGMIHS is established to impart Graduate and Post graduate education in Nursing. The College functions along with the philosophy and objectives of the University as well as that of the Indian Nursing Council

We believe that
  • Excellency in health care can be achieved through innovative research and through excellence in education of the health care professionals.
  • Post Graduate Programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the quality of nursing education and practice in India.
  • Post graduate Programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories into Nursing practice, education, administration and development of research skills.
  • The Programme prepares nurses for leadership position in nursing and health fields who can function as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, administrators and researchers in a wide variety of professional settings in meeting the National priorities and the changing needs of the society.
  • This programme provides the basis for the post masteral Programme in Nursing.

Further the programme encourages accountability and commitment to life long learning
which fosters improvement of quality care.

  Registered Office & Mailing Address:
MGM Institute of Health Sciences
MGM Campus, Sector 1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209, MAHARASHTRA STATE (INDIA)
E-mail : mgmuniversity@ mgmuhs.com
Tel     : 022-27432471/27432994
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