As on 2012[as per UGC(Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations,2010]
Vice Chancellor- Chairperson
Dr S.N. Kadam
Pro- Vice Chancellor
Dr. [Lt.Gen.]. S.K.Kaul
Seven internal members and three outside eminent experts including one nominee of UGC
Shri A.N. Kadam
Dr. P.M. Jadhav
Dr. N.N. Kadam
Dr. Gustad B. Daver
Dr. Ajit Shroff
Dr. G.S. Narshetty
Dr. Sabita Ram
Dr. Rajani Mullerpatan
Dr. Prabha Dasila
Prof. Mahesh Verma (UGC Nominee)
Dr. Z.G. Badade
Registered Office & Mailing Address: MGM Institute of Health Sciences
MGM Campus, Sector 1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209, MAHARASHTRA STATE (INDIA)
E-mail : mgmuniversity@
Tel : 022-27432471/27432994
Fax : 022-27431094