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Memorandum of Association
MGM University Of Health Sciences Navi Mumbai
  1. Name of Society :

The name of the Society shall be MGM University of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, hereinafter referred to as the MGM University . 

  1. Address of the Society :

The registered office of the MGM University shall be situated in MGM Campus, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai410 209. 


  1. Aims & Objects of the Society :

The objects for which the MGM University is established are:

1)      To provide for instruction and training in such branches of learning as it may deem fit; 

2)      To provide for research and for the advancement of and dissemination of knowledge. 

3)      To extend the benefits ofknowledge and skills for development of individuals and society by associating itself closely with local and regional problems of development ; 

4)      To promote national integration and preserve cultural heritage ; 

5)      To build up financial self sufficiency by undertaking academic and allied programmes and resource generative services in a cost effective manner ; 

6)      To promote better interaction and coordination amongst different Universities and Colleges ; 

7)      To generate and promote a sense of self respect and dignity amongst the weaker sections of the society including women ; 

8)      To undertake educational, social, industrial, economic, rural development, co-operation, health, cultural activities / programmes. 

9)      To promote freedom, secularism, equality and social justice enshrined in the Constitution of India and to be a catalyst in socio economic transformation by promoting basic attitudes and values of essence to national development ; 

10)  To do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable to further the objects of the MGM University . 

11)  To publish journal, seminars books and such other literatures as may be useful for furthering the cause of education. 

12)  To help the poor and needy students to peruse their further study.To promote educational facilities by giving scholarship of various scales to meritorious and brilliant students. 

13)  To start, maintain, run, open dispensaries, nursing home, medical clinic, medical consulting courses and medical first aid centers. 

14)  To organize all types of medical camps for medical check up and to give treatment to the people on various disease. 

15)  To start, maintain and assist relief measures in those parts of the country which are subject to natural calamities, fire, flood, earth quack etc. 

  1. Powers and Functions of the MGM University
    To carry out the above objects and for the management of its properties the MGM University shall have the following powers:


1)      To establish courses of studies and research and to provide instructions in such branches of study as the MGM University deems appropriate for the advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge in such branches ; 

2)      To institute and confer Degrees and to grant Diplomas and / or Certificates to persons who have satisfactorily completed the approved courses and / or research as may be prescribed and shall have passed the prescribed examinations; 

3)      To institute and award visitorships, fellowships, exhibits, prizes, medals and such other distinctions; 

4)      To organize, maintain and manage schools, departments, laboratories, libraries, museums, academic service units and equipment for teaching and research; 

5)      To establish, maintain and manage colleges, institutions, hostels health centres, auditoria and gymnasiums at Kamothe and other places; 

6)      To establish and run Medical Colleges for medical education, training and research and to provide basic amenities for the same. 

7)      To establish and run Dental Colleges for dental education, training and research and in and to provide basic amenities for the same. 

8)      To establish and run Nursing Schools and Colleges for imparting education, training in Nursing and to make available basic amenities and facilities for the same. ?So also to establish and run colleges offering courses in Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Audio and speech therapy and other paramedical courses and to provide basic amenities for the same. 

9)      To create posts of Directors, Principals, Professors Readers, Lecturers and other teaching or non vacation academic posts required by the MGM University and to prescribe qualifications for and make appointments thereto; 

10)  To appoint or recognize persons working in any other University or Organisation as adjunct Professors, adjunct Readers, adjunct Lecturers, Visiting Professors of the University for specified periods.  

11)  To create non teaching skilled, administrative, ministerial and other posts and prescribe the qualifications and pay scales and to make appointments thereto ; 

12)  To prescribe the courses of instructions and studies for the various examinations leading to specific Degrees and Diplomas or Certificates; 

13)  To supervise, control and regulate admissions of students for various courses of studies. 

14)  To hold examinations for various courses of studies. 

15)  To confer honorary Degrees or other academic distinctions as prescribed; 

16)  To monitor and evaluate the academic performance of faculties, departments, etc. 

17)  To hold and to manage trusts and endowments and institute and award fellowships, traveling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes for teachers and students; 

18)  To fix, demand and receive or recover such fees and other charges as may be regulated from time to time. 

19)  To supervise, control and regulate the conduct and discipline of the students; 

20)  To make arrangements for promoting welfare of its employees

                  21)  To provide for the training and quality improvement of teachers and non teaching employees; 

22)  To provide for periodical assessment of the performance of teachers and non teaching employees; 

23)  To provide for conduct and discipline rules for teaching and non teaching staff and the enforcement thereof ; 

24)  To establish, maintain and manage, whenever necessary ;

a)      a printing and publication department ;

b)      extension boards ;

c)      information bureaus ;

d)      employment guidance bureau ; and

e)      such other activities as may be necessary and possible to fulfill the objects of the MGM University ; 

25)  To make provision for participation of students in ?

a)      the national service scheme ;

b)      the national cadet corps ;

c)      home guards and civil defense ;

d)      the national sports organization ;

e)      physical and military training ;

f)        extra mural teaching and research ;

g)      programmes related to adult and continuing education, and extension ;

h)      any other programmes, services or activities directed towards cultural, economic and social betterment as may be necessary and possible to fulfill the objectives of the MGM University. 

26)  To provide for special training or coaching for competitive examinations, for recruitment to the public services, public undertakings and other competitive employment opportunities; 

27)  To co ? operate or collaborate with any other University, Institution, Authority or Organisation for research and advisory services and for such purposes to enter into appropriate arrangements with other Universities Institutions, Authorities, or Organisations to conduct certain courses as the situation may demand ; 

28)  To borrow funds for the purposes of the MGM University of on the security of the properties of the MGM University; 

29)  To explore the possibilities of augmenting the resources of the MGM University by identifying or innovating activities such as research and development, consultancy, training programmes and providing services for different clients from industry, trade or any other non government organizations. 

30)  To undertake academic collaboration programmes with Universities and institutions abroad; 

31)  To receive funds for collaboration programmes from foreign agencies subject to rules and regulations of the Central Government and State Government in that behalf;

32)  To lay down for teaching and non ? teaching staff service conditions including code of conduct, workload, norms of performance, appraisal, and such other instructions or directions as, in the opinion of the MGM University, may be necessary in academic and administrative matters; 

33)  To undertake development programmes in higher education, research, consultancy based project and training programmes for outside agencies, by charging fees, so as to generate resources; 

34)  To make special provision for higher education in rural and tribal areas; 

35)  To de?link any School / Department, Course of Study, Discipline, Faculty etc. already instituted; 

36)  To do all such other acts and things as may be necessary for, or incidental or conducive to the attainments of all or any of its objects; 

37)  In order to fulfill the objects of the Society to raise loans and to obtain Bank Guarantee etc. from Nationalized Banks, World Bank, Scheduled Banks, Foreign Banks and Financial Agencies, Govt., Semi Govt., Co-operative, Financial Corporations and Financial Institutions or Private Parties or Financial Institutions by keeping the movable or immovable property of the institution as security or in addition thereto by all other legal means; obtain bank guarantees, letters of credit etc.? For the fulfillment of the above objectives with the permission of the executive committee to authorize one or more members of the executive committee to executive committee to execute all documents in relation to property, sale / lease of land, bank loans, security, mortgage, registration, agreements, MOU?s and other legal documents. 

38)  To raise the funds and to procure the equipment and supplies necessary for the fulfillment of the objects of the society, obtain donations, grants, gifts, avail loans and by all other legal means from the Government, Semi-Government, Co-operative Societies Charitable Trusts, Development Institutions Industrial Organization, Financial Corporations, Credit Societies, National and World Health Organizations and relief organization and Private Parties, Institutions and Business Houses and from the all possible Institutions. 

39)  To import modern technology, research as also modern equipments, machineries, medicines implements etc. necessary for fulfilling the objects of the society. 

40)  For fulfilling the objectives of the society to acquire movable and immovable property to maintain development and sell the same, whenever necessary.To give or take the property on lease to give and take on rent and to develop the land and property owned by the institution. 

41)  In order to fulfill the objects of the society to open its bank account in foreign countries with the permission of the Reserve Bank of India for obtaining funds and equipment from abroad.  

  1. Interpretation of the Objects

The MGM University is established for public benefit and accordingly the objects of the MGM University as set forth above will be interpreted and restricted to mean such objects and purposes as are regarded in law to be a public charitable in nature. 

  1. The MGM University Open to All  

i)        The MGM University shall be open to all persons of whatever race, religion, creed, caste or class.No test or condition shall be imposed related to religious belief or profession for admitting or appointing members, students, teachers, and workers or in any other connection whatsoever. 

ii)No capitation fee shall be charged in any form in consideration for admission. 

iii)                 In case of self financing courses fees to be prescribed shall be as recommended by a Committee of experts. 

iv)No Benefactories shall be accepted by the MGM University which in its opinion involves conditions and obligations opposed to the spirit and objects of this section.    

  1. Income and property of the MGM University to be applied for the objects only  

No portion of the income and property of the MGM University shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to the persons, who at any

time, or have been members of the MGM University or to any of them, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith or remuneration to any member thereof or other person in return for any service rendered to the MGM University or for traveling, halting and other similar charges.  

  1. Management of the MGM University

The names and addresses and occupations of the first members of the Board of Management to whom under rules, the management of the MGM University is entrusted till the various authorities in accordance with the rules are constituted, are given below as required under the Societies Registration Act 1860 :

Sr. No








Shri. Kamal Kishore N. Kadam

M. Tech.(I.I.T. Bom.),


12, Bhagya Nagar, Nanded,










Dr. Pandurang M. Jadhav, FRCS,


At. Post Umardari,

Tal ? Mukhed, Dist - Nanded

Vice Chairman








Shri. Ankush N. Kadam, B.E.,

179, Nandanvan Colony, Chhavni, Aurangabad









Shri. Prataprao Borade, M.E,

Shashbhushan CIDCO, Aurangabad











Dr. Sudhirchandra N. Kadam, FRCP (Edin.),


Director Residence,

MGM Hospital, 1A, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai











Dr. Nitin N. Kadam, MD, DCH

Director Residence,

MGM Hospital, Sector 3, Vashi, Navi Mumbai










Shri. Ujjawalrao N. Kadam, B.E.,

179, Nandanvan Colony, Aurangabad








9        Review and Inspection


The Central Government shall have the right to cause an inspection to be made of the MGM University, its buildings, laboratories, its examinations, teaching and other work conducted or done by the MGM University, and to cause an enquiry to be made, if considered necessary by the Central Government, in respect of any matter connected with the MGM University.   

10. We the following persons, signatories of the society desire to form our society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and accordingly we have formed

MGM University of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai on dated 1st January 2006

and we have signed the Memorandum of Association for the purpose of the society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. 

Sr. No.





Shri. Kamal Kishore N. Kadam

M. Tech.(I.I.T. Bom.),


12, Bhagya Nagar, Nanded, M.S.






Dr. Pandurang M. Jadhav, FRCS,

Vice Chairman

At. Post Umardari, Tal ? Mukhed, Dist ? Nanded






Shri. Ankush N. Kadam, B.E., Secretary

179, Nandanvan Colony, Chhavni, Aurangabad






Shri. Prataprao Borade, M.E, Treasurer

Shashbhushan CIDCO, Aurangabad






Dr. Sudhirchandra N. Kadam, FRCP (Edin.),



Director Residence,

MGM Hospital, 1A, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai






Dr. Nitin N. Kadam, MD, DCH, Member

Director Residence,

MGM Hospital, Sector 3, Vashi, Navi Mumbai






Shri. Ujjawalrao N. Kadam, B.E., Member

179, Nandanvan Colony, Aurangabad





 Place :- Navi Mumbai.I know the aforesaid persons who have signed

Date :- 30th March 2006this memorandum in my presence.  


Advocate / S.E.O. / Notary / C.A.


  Registered Office & Mailing Address:
MGM University of Health Sciences
MGM Campus, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209, MAHARASHTRA STATE (INDIA)
E-mail : mgmuniversity@ mgmuhs.com
Tel     : 022-27422471/65168127/65138121/27421994
Fax    : 022-27420320/27571162
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