Details of Capability Enhancement Skills |
Soft Skills Development
Soft skill Holistic Development Workshop
This is a Value added course. This soft skill provides an in sight intovital role of soft skills in personal and professional effectiveness. The objectives of this workshop is to practice active listening skills and responding skills for effective communication and describe different leadership styles to accomplish organizational goals.
The course enables students to Establish effective inter personal relation ship with others, Underst and importance of active listening and body language in communication, Select appropriate words and tone of voice in verbal and written communication, Identify strategies to improveinter personal relationship, Develop skills in public speaking, Identifying appropriate personal and professional values for nursing practice, Describe potential source of stress and strategies for stress and conflict management and Develop skills in prepa ation and power point.
Emotional Intelligence
This is a Value added course. Happiness through Enhanced Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence ( EQ/ EI) is defined as an ability to identify, consider and cotrol emotionsin one self and to recognize theminothers, broughton by a combination of self awareness, self management, social awareness and relation ship management.
Intelligent quotient (IQ) correlates with academic success but often fails to as sure personal and professional success. EQ onotherh and is a spastically significantfactorin achieving personal and professional growth. While IQ is in born godgift ; EQ can be improved by learning strategies in areas of self awareness, social awareness and relationship management. Most of the professional courses including medical courses offer little to improve EQ of participants in this course. Present value added course is designed to enable students/participants to leada happy and ful filling life by using strategies of EQ/EI.
Soft Skill Training
This Valueadded course wasde signed to train students in various soft skill techniques. The students will be trained invarious problem sharings kills and stress management .The students will be trained in team work and group dynamics.
Induction Program
Induction programs are carried out across all the specialties to orient students with the university. This programalsoaims to train students in communications kills, both with batchmates and patients . This helps to improveinter personal; relationships and maintaina good professional conduct .
Language and Communication Skill Development
Communication Skills
This Value added course is designed to enable students to understand and apply knowledge of human communication and language processes as they occur across various contexts, e.g.,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group, organizational, gender, family, intercultural communication, technologically mediated communication, etc. from multiple perspectives. It will
help students to understand and evaluate key theoretical approaches used in the interdisciplinary field of communication.
Marathi Language Enrichment Programme for UG & PG; Institute of Indian and Foreign Language Communication
Institute of Indian and Foreign language communication conducts training program in Marathi language for students who are not well versed with Marathi language. This will help the students to develop better communication skills with peers and patients from the local community.
Induction Program
Induction programs are carried out across all the specialties to orient students with the university. This program also aims to train students in communication skills, both with batchmates and patients. This helps to improve inter personal; relationships and maintain a good professional conduct.
English Language training in Curriculum
The BSc Nursing curriculum has an English training course. It is designed to enable students to enhance ability to comprehend spoken and written English (and use English) required for effective communication in their professional work. Students will practice their skills in verbal and written English during clinical and classroom experience. The course of Optometry also trains students in English and communication skills.
Yoga and Wellness
Yoga Sessions for Undergraduate students across various programs
Yoga as a therapy has been in existence for Physiotherapy graduates in the Subject Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Kinesiotherapy. M.G.M Arogyam Naturopathy, Ayurveda and Yoga Center, conducts Yoga sessions for students of Medical college in Aurangabad.
International Yoga Day Celebration
International Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year. Various activities and Yoga sessions are conducted by MGMIHS on this day. Various external agencies have been a part of this program, namely heartfullness, Patanjali Yoga Samiti, International Research and health centre etc. These sessions help to create awareness on effects of Yoga on Body and mind and stress management.
Analytical Skill Development
Research Methodology
The course aims at developing the scientific attitude from the very beginning i.e. from undergraduate level, so that it will formulate a base building strong foundation of research.
It will enable the undergraduate student to apply the most appropriate methodology for their research studies.
The course is structured in a way that it will clarify the theoretical concepts as well as student will learn the practical aspects.
This course will concretize the fundamental concepts and analytic methods. It will include topics spanning from introduction to manuscript writing. Hands on training on data analysis will fully equip them to carry out quality research.
Data Analysis using SPSS
MGM Institute of Health Sciences has qualified expert Dr. Rita Abbi who has been providing guidance and conducting continuous hands on training for faculties, researchers, PG students and supporting scholars in diverse health care research and academic fields to produce high-quality dissertations and theses. Use of latest version 24.0 SPSS for data analyses from 2017 and hands on training made a difference in applications of SPSS for improving the quality of research.
Human Value Development
Gender Sensitization
Gender of a person and attitude of people towards gender have very high impact on personal and social health. Gender discrimination, female feticide, sexual harassment and abuse are results of unhealthy gender attitude. This develops unknowingly because of peculiar sexual socialization.
Only information about reproductive system will not be able to change this attitude as It involves de-learning and re-learning. There is need for proactive efforts to develop healthy gender attitude. This course is introduced to deal with these issues and will help to find solutions, This course is in addition to inclusion of gender sensitization in curriculum.
Environment Protection
This Value added course is to facilitate students understanding of complex environmental issues from a problem-oriented, interdisciplinary perspective.
Understand core concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in environmental problem-solving. Appreciate key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions. Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems. Appreciate that one can apply systems concepts and methodologies to analyze and understand interactions between social and environmental processes.
Reflect critically about their roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.
Road Safety and traffic rules
This Value added course will enable students to measure the magnitude and impact of road traffic injuries, assess the key risk factors, Strengthen the evidence base for prevention, Implement promising interventions, Deliver post-crash care and transfer techniques and Formulate and implement road safety policies.
Inner Transformation Program
Health care professionals find that stress has a huge impact on their patient’s health and their own.
Students learn basic Heartfulness practices to manage their own stress and emotions, and improve the quality of life; ‘Centered Students: where ‘centeredness’ is defined as a person who is self-confident, emotionally stable and well balanced.
A life where stress is well managed, leading to a joyful and happy society.
Students displaying values of compassion and respect for each other.
Personality and Professional Development
Campus Interviews
Campus interviews are organized where external agencies guide the outgoing students on career advancement and personal; interviews are conducted for students willing to join the specific organization. This helps to improve aptitude and communication skills. It develops a sense of confidence and sets a benchmark in paving the career ahead. It helps them in honing their skills and building a fruitful career.
Medico-legal issues in medical practice
Medico legal cases(MLC) are an integral part of medical practice that is frequently encountered by doctors. The occurrence of MLCs is on the increase,
both in the Civil as well as in the Armed Forces. Proper handling and accurate documentation of these cases is of prime importance to avoid legal complications.
Holistic Development
This is a Value added course.This soft skill provides an insight intovitalrole of soft skills in personal and professional effectiveness. The objectives of this workshop is to practice active listening skills and responding skills for effective communication and describe different leadership styles to accomplish organizational goals. The course enables students to Establish effective inter personal relationship with others, Understand importance of active listening and body language in communication, Select appropriate words and tone of voice in verbal and written communication,Identify strategies to improve interpersonal relationship,Develop skills in public speaking, Identifying appropriate personal and professional values for nursing practice ,Describe potential source of stress and strategies for stress and conflict management and Develop skills in preparation and powerpoint
Induction Programs
Indution programs are carried out across all the specialties to orient students with the university .This program also aims to train students in communication skills, both with batch mates and patients. This helpsto improve inter personal; relationships and maintain a good professional conduct .
Mentorship Programs
Mentorship programs are designed with an aim of providing, a reliable and comprehensive support system, to motivate students to excel in both academic and non-academic fields and to make the most of their life at the college. The objectives of the program include:
- To help the first year students understand the challenges and opportunities present in the college and develop a smooth transition to campus life.
- To counsel academically weak undergraduate students and to play an important role in helping troubled students cope with academic, extra-academic and personal problems.
- To proactively try to identify problems of the general student populace and to bring them to the notice of the concerned authorities
Government initiatives-Pariksha pe charcha
The Hon’ble Prime minister of India, addressed students all over the country through an online session. The guided the students and teachers to discusses ways to beat exam stress. The five topics that were given included:
- Gratitude is Great: A short write-up on people, who a student thinks played an important role in their academic journey and why they are grateful to that person.
- Your future depends on your Aspirations: An essay on the goals and career aspirations of students
- Examining Exams: Student needed to write their opinions on prevailing examination systems and suggestions how to better it.
- Our Duties, Your Take: Essay on duties of citizens and how one can inspire everyone to become more dutiful citizens.
- Balance is Beneficial: A write-up on balanced activities of students apart from their curriculum.
PM Modi urged students to remain stress-free which would in turn help them to concentrate better and score good marks and attain excellence in their studies.
Employability Skill Development
BLS Provider course
This Value added course was built to Provide safe environment for repeated practice of various Basic skills and to increase patient safety. At the end of course the student should be able to Recognize cardiac arrest, Provide effective chest compressions, Provide artificial ventilation, Use AED, Provide First aid for common medical emergencies like trauma, hemorrhage, Burns, poisoning, Snakebite & dog bite etc and to teach communication skill and team dynamics.
ACLS Provider course
The ACLS Provider Course is an advanced two day course which involves recognition of complex scenarios like cardiac arrest , arrhythmias, acutecoronary syndrome or stroke etc and involves the use of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions like electro cardiogram (ECG), transcutaneous pacer, defibrillator etc. This course is suitable for all medical, dental, physiotherapy, nursing and allied medical graduates, postgraduates and specialists workingina hospital or health care facility. To pursue the ACLS Course, the candidate has to possessa valid AHABLS Provider Card .
Course on Computer Application
The goals of medical education are to provide students and graduate clinicians specific facts and information, to teach strategies for applying this knowledge appropriately to the situations that arise in medical practice, and to encourage development of skills necessary to acquire new knowledge over a lifetime of practice .
WHO has defined Pharmacovigilance as the ~cience and activities dealing with Detection Assessment Understanding. Prevention of adverse drug reactions or any other possible drug related problems. Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) aims to improve patient safety and welfare of Indian popuation by monitoring the drug safety and thereby reducing the risk associated with use of medicines to safeguard the health of the Indian population by ensuring that the benefits of use of medicine outweigh the risks associated with its use.
Clinical Biomechanics
This course helps students to Understand basic methodology of movement analysis , Understand the principles of biomechanical modeling, Understand theories of movement control and loading , Able to integrate and apply the above to analyze movement problems encountered in patient population.
Explore DNA Fragments
Objective of designing this course is to impart the skill for the students from different educational fields such as MLT,Biochemistry,Genetics, Microbiology, Pharmacology and other paramedical and MBBS students at Under graduate , Post graduate and MD level in order to Learn about DNA Isolation , PCR experiment designing and electrophores is analysis of DNA molecules .
Zebrafish Husbandry Education
Zebrafish ( Daniorerio) has become increasingly important model to scientificre search, since 1960s.
It has several unique characteristics that make it a valuable model for studying human genetics and disease.
Zebrafish have a similar genetic structure to humans. They share 70 per cent of genes with us.
84 per cent of genes known to be associated with human disease have a zebrafish counter part.
As avertebrate, the zebrafish has the same major organs and tissues as humans.
It is one of the fastest growing vertebrate organism. Zebrafish embryosarenearly transparent which allows researchers to easily examine the development of internal structures.
Every blood vessel in a living zebrafish embryo can be seen using just a low-power microscope.
One of the unique abilityis to regenerate its heart muscle and fin.
For example,if part of their heart is removed they can grow it back in a matter of weeks.
These striking similarity to humans and novel characteristics has made this model to be widely used for various biomedical applications .
PALS instruct or course
The PALS Provider Course is a TWO day course (16 HRS) and includes training in basic life saving skills which includes recognizinga cardiac arrest or other life threatening situations likechoking and provides training in high quality resuscitation skills including chest compressions and airway support. The course also teaches the effective use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This course is suited for all medical, dental ,physiotherapy, nursing and allied medical graduates and health care professionals Successful completion of the course results in an AHA BLS Provider Card .
Short course in advanced chest imaging
This Value added course was designed to make radiology professionals competent in physiological and anatomical aspects of cardiac and vascular imaging .
Short course in advanced cardiac imaging
This Value added course was designed to make radiology professionals competent in physiological and anatomical aspects of cardiac and vascular imaging .
Short course in advanced Neuro imaging
This value added course will help students to differentiate various types of focal intracraniallesions .
Course in advanced Body imaging
Students will develop expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of abdomen and pelvis with special emphasis on hepato-biliary diseases, oncology, trauma, pre and post operative evaluations.
Short course in Radiology related to orthopedics
This Value added course was designed to make radiology professionals competent in anatomical aspects of orthopedicimaging .
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MGM Institute of Health Sciences
MGM Campus, Sector 1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209, MAHARASHTRA STATE (INDIA) |
E-mail : registrar@ mgmuhs.com
Tel : 022-27432471/27432994
Fax : 022-27431094 |
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